Fire Drill Activation troubleshooting


New User
New Jersey
The fire panel (FACP) that i’m using is ES-200X FIRE LITE and the power supplier that i’m using is HPFF12 HONEYWELL , I ran the fire alarm cables into class B, i having some issues when the NAC #4 in the power supplier, every time i set up drill mode in the FACP panel every horn strobe in the building is flashing but doesn’t make any sound except 4 horn strobes are making sound in a weird intervals the sound is not consistent sometimes it takes 30 seconds to sound or 1 minute or 10 seconds something like that so i replaced them for 4 news h/s and the sound stop except for 2 h/s they are still sounding. The voltage is good there is no short no ground fault. Need some help and advices, thanks.