Fire pump ART 695.3(A)(3) Clarification

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Senior Member
Hello everyone, I'm looking to get some clearification on this section:

Section [695.3(A)(3)] :A dedicated feeder derived from a service connection in accordance with 695.3(A)(1). I'm not sure if I do understand this requirement. Is a dedicated feeder from a service connection means a feeder from a circuit breaker located in the main service panel? let’s say the building is equipped with 34KV MV switchgear (indoor) and feeds multiple stepdown transformers (to 480V) located outside and from each transformer to 480V switchgear inside the building. which consider to be a service connection in this article, the LV or MV switchgear?

Hello everyone, I'm looking to get some clearification on this section:

Section [695.3(A)(3)] :A dedicated feeder derived from a service connection in accordance with 695.3(A)(1). I'm not sure if I do understand this requirement. Is a dedicated feeder from a service connection means a feeder from a circuit breaker located in the main service panel? let’s say the building is equipped with 34KV MV switchgear (indoor) and feeds multiple stepdown transformers (to 480V) located outside and from each transformer to 480V switchgear inside the building. which consider to be a service connection in this article, the LV or MV switchgear?


I'm going to say the LV switch gear, but you'll want to tap on the line side of the switch gear. Also, any OCPD upline would, I think, have to be sized for the locked rotor current, as would the transformer.
Had a job similar to this with 15 kv. Electrical engineer had us come off the hv 15 kv and set transformer for pump, he stated 15 kv was the main service not the 480
Just my 2cents
Had a job similar to this with 15 kv. Electrical engineer had us come off the hv 15 kv and set transformer for pump, he stated 15 kv was the main service not the 480
Just my 2cents

That would be a plausible argument. You'd want to get the AHJ's input on this. The more I think about it, the more inclined I am to agree with your EE.
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