FIRE PUMP connection ahead of main

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I have a question we have three 500 kw generators 480 volts 3 ph each generator is connected in a paralleled system these feed a switchboard which has 6 sections a 400 amp 600amp 800amp 1200amp 800amp emergency power . The 6th section is the main buss section fed from all generators which has no main breaker .
We have one fire pump ATS which the emergency feed is tied directly to section 6 buss ahead of all breaker sections then it goes to the FP ATS . Each genset has a 800amp breaker the inspector has ask me to have a fire alarm monitor the position of each genset main 800amp which are internal to the generator factory install .

What code rule or section covers this requirement I cant find it and he didn't give that to me yet said he had to look into it but id like to find it before hand .
I think he is referring to 695,4(B)(5)
Well I think your correct I see disconnect marking supervision of disconnect remote signal but I also see locking the disconnect in the closed position which or sealing with weekly inspections . Our install is inside a fenced wall generator yard with locked doors .
Do you think I could just lock the breaker in each genset in the closed position and this would be approved per the NEC . Thanks Augie
Well I think your correct I see disconnect marking supervision of disconnect remote signal but I also see locking the disconnect in the closed position which or sealing with weekly inspections . Our install is inside a fenced wall generator yard with locked doors .
Do you think I could just lock the breaker in each genset in the closed position and this would be approved per the NEC . Thanks Augie

Will locking keep the breaker from tripping?
Will locking keep the breaker from tripping?
Any breaker made will still trip lock closed at least the breakers we have plus its emergency theres no power when the generator is not running and theres multiple disconnects past that point down stream to so I hope that might be a option .
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