Fire Pump connection at Emergency Generator

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Senior Member
New York, NY
This is an excerpt from the fire pump section (for the fire pump disconnecting means) in the NYC amendments to the NEC:

(3) Disconnecting Means. The disconnecting means shall comply with the following:
(1) Be identified as suitable for use as service equipment.
(2) Be lockable in the closed position. Locking provisions shall remain in place with or without an installed lock.
(3) Not located within equipment that feeds loads other than the fire pump.
(4) Be located as remote as practicable from other service disconnecting means with a minimum separation of 305mm (12 in.).

Exception: (1), (3), and (4) shall not apply to fire pumps and limited service fire pumps connected to emergency generators.

My question is regarding the exception. Is this saying that if you have an emergency generator, the disconnect switch for the fire pump can be located right on the same distribution board that feeds other building loads as well? While at the normal utility end, the disconnect switch there has to be located remote from the other service disconnecting means. So on the normal end, keep it remote, but on the generator end of that same building, the switch can be together with the other switches on the same board.

Do I have this correct?
Hi... thoughts from anyone else? I just want to make sure I'm interpreting this correctly. This can be a costly mistake if misinterpreted.
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