Fire Pump Disconnect

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New member
I have a fire pump disconnect in the same room as the switchgear feeding it. If I feed the line side of the disconnect with feeders that are directly to the busbar in the switchgear, do the standard tap rules apply?


Senior Member
Durham, NC
The old fire pump is so important it get a complete A-Z treatment with it's own index listings in the NEC!
I have a fire pump disconnect in the same room as the switchgear feeding it.

The Disconnect Means (695.4 (B)(2)
3.)Not be located with-in other equipment that feeds loads
4.) Be located sufficiently remote... might apply as well, depends on lay out MO AHJ might let you stay, probably not...

If I feed the line side of the disconnect with feeders that are directly to the busbar in the switchgear, do the standard tap rules apply?
695.3(1) Elect. Utility Service Connection ... shall be permitted to be supplied by a seperate service, or from a connection located ahead of and not within the same cabinet, enclosure or vertical swichboard sections as the service disconnect means....
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