Fire Pump Feeder Protection?

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I pulled this information from another website. I've been searching the code book and the internet trying to confirm the last sentence to no avail. So I figured I'd come here and ask the experts.

Thanks in advance.

2.Emergency circuits
Prior to installing these circuits, the NEC? and local or state code requirements should be reviewed. Steel raceways withstand fire (see Question 4); however, ordinary conductor insulation melts when exposed to elevated temperatures and a short circuit can be created. This is the reason for special protection of emergency and fire-pump circuits.

Methods of thermal protection include enclosing the raceways in a fire-rated enclosure, embedding them in concrete, wrapping them with a listed wrap system for protection from fire (sometimes called Electrical Circuit Protection System or Thermal Barrier Protection for Electrical components), and using conductors specifically rated to maintain the circuit.
The NEC does not require these thermal protection methods where conduit is installed in a fully sprinklered building.
695.6(A) has some changes as far a feeder protection. I don't see sprinklered buildings specifically identified but there are some references to UL-FHIT which I can't reference.
See 700.9(D).

Note that the fire protection requirements for emergency feeders only apply to circuit buildings/occupancies.

The way I read 700.9(D)(1)(1), a feeder in a common shaft without sprinklers in an otherwise fully-sprinklered building wouldn't comply. If it was a rated shaft with only the emergency feeders, then 700.9(1)(4).

I think the "Emergency Circuits" listed in the quoted text isn't related to Fire Pump Feeders. Section 695.2 mentions a "Standby Generator" rather "emergency."
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At the end of the first paragraph is specifically states "emergency and fire pump circuits".

I'm not sure I understand your point. The fire pump conductors are not "emergency" circuits per the NEC. Emergency circuits per section 700 have "fire protection requirements" for specific buildings as noted in 700.9(D). Being installed in a sprinklered space is one of the fire protection methods for emergency circuits.

Fire pump conductors are required to be protected per 695.6. The protection for these conductors can be either concrete encasement, a fire rated assembly, or a 2-hr listed protective system. There is no exception to providing this protection in sprinklered buildings.
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