Fire Pump normal feeder

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
With a typical utility pad mounted transformer providing service at say 480V to a facility, one either taps the transformer or puts a breaker in ahead of the main to provide normal power to a fire pump.

My question pertains to a hospital that has it’s own 15kV distribution. Does the power to the fire pump have be via an additional 15kV service and therefore made up of a unit substation OR is there a provision, as I seem to recall, for campus like facilities with facility owned medium voltage distribution system that allows one to put the fire pump feeder on the 480V side

Might such a rule be contingent on the fire pump having generator backup (which we would in this case).

Would I have to tap ahead of the 480V switchboard in the new substation we are going to put in to serve the new building we’rel Adding to the hospital?

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