Fire Pump

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I hope some of you can clear something up for me.

2008 NEC 695 is very clear that a fire pump should run in the event of a fire until the fire is out or the pump itself is destroyed.

If you use an overcurrent device between the power source and the fire pump controller, it must be sized to locked-rotor current and comply with 695.4

NEC 695.6: "power circuits and wiring methods shall comply with the requirements in 695.6(A) thru (H)." 695.6(D) Overcurrent Protection: "power circuits shall not have automatic protection against overloads. Except for protection of transformer primaries provided in 695.5(C)(2), branch-circuit and feeder conductors shall be protected against short circuit only."

Is 695.6(D) rule stating that short-circuit protection is required at the power source or is it requiring short-circuit protection on the load side at the fire pump controller?

thank you so much for the clarification



Senior Member
New Jersey
Professional Engineer, Fire & Life Safety
I am not real familiar with fire pumps, but I read it as the OCPD is before the controller ( at the power source).

Frequently the OCPD is built into the controller. Check with whomever is supplying the controller.


Fire Pump

The new controllers have their own short-circuit and OCPD protection on the load side, but do I need short-circuit and/or locked-rotor protection on the emergency and normal conductors upstream from the controller to protect the conductors? The problem I see in that is the protection for the conductors might trip before the motor protection trips, working against the controller protections.

What are your thoughts?


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