The main monkey buisness
I'm struggling with an issue. Conditions are: 4 story (old hospital) converted into loft condo. Main service feders (7) 4 " PVC entering at top of foundation wall turning down to main switch aprox 7 ft. I would like to install 90 degree elbow and take PVC straight to cabinet. Inspector commented during a walk through that we will need to change over to metalic conduit to terminate into cabinet. He sited fire rating codes running exposed PVC inside building, others have backed this up without a source reference, only "its always been the way". I just hate installing electrical on "feelings" or "just the way you have to do it". I will not ask the inspector for help on this one. This city's code dept takes every question as a challenge of authority no mater how you present it. ( He would just have to call into his dept head for help anyway, and thats where the problems begin, they assume you are harassing their field inspector). Write now they are working with us and I want to keep it that way. How do I correctly determin on commercial progects when I can and can't install non-metalic wire ways. Thankyou, Adam.