Fire safety

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Senior Member
Are there fire safety requirements in the nec for switchgear rooms and Mcc rooms?

Some mcc rooms have fire extingusers hanging on the wall , is there a requirement for sometype of fire suppressor over system either mcc or switchgear?
You want the right answer, ask the right question.

The NEC does not address fire protection issues, with the exception of transformer vaults.
I've been called plenty of things over the years, but today is a first for 'librarian.' Most folks use terms with far fewer letters :D

My point to the OP is: you need to comply with ALL codes, which means you need to address more than the NEC. Smoke alarms, egress lighting, emergency lighting, sealing firestops, etc., are all things we address that are not regulated by the NEC.

Learning the NEC is just a start.

To expand on the original question: fire safety requirements are addressed in the building code and -big surprise here- the fire code. In addition, the insurer may add his restrictions. This can lead to some working space and other issues.

The fire code -in particular, the sprinkler requirements- will 'trump' the NEC. For example, the sprinkler system is allowed in switchgear rooms, though no 'foreign systems' are allowed.
Fire Safety

Fire Safety

The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) would address this subject along with local codes and ordances. Check with your local fire prevention officer (Fire Department).
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