I wondered why the two exhaust contactor coils are wired for non-coincidental operation. Explain, please, including why only one is switched?
You could omit the relay; standard micros have a 20a capacity, and can even run a 120v motor; they only do so when testing or an actual system trip.
Imagine incoming power goes to the exhaust switch and the micro C. Micro E feeds out from exhaust switch, so they're in parallel; either turns on exhaust.
Micro N feeds light switch and MU switch, along with any appliance contactors, so a trip energizes the exhaust and removes power from everything else.
We usually have horn/strobes to energize, too; every system control head I've seen has two micros, so the second can be used for that, shunt-trips, etc.
Make sure shunt trips can withstand continuous power. Also, you show contacts atop shorting your power supply. Are there supposed to be coils?