Fire Suppression Control kit

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Colin W

Austin, Texas
Hi all, First post :)

I have been asked to wire up a fire suppression "hood" in a small commercial kitchen. I have the logic, wiring methods and and loads worked out (i think:roll:) My question is;

Is there a source for relays, boxes and such specific to this application? I can spec the components but it would be easier if there was a 'fire suppression' type place with cost effective parts designed for this app.

Thanks in advance, Colin
Hi all, First post :)

I have been asked to wire up a fire suppression "hood" in a small commercial kitchen. I have the logic, wiring methods and and loads worked out (i think:roll:) My question is;

Is there a source for relays, boxes and such specific to this application? I can spec the components but it would be easier if there was a 'fire suppression' type place with cost effective parts designed for this app.

Thanks in advance, Colin

Try Brooks Equipment Company (BECO).
I generally make up my own with stock enclosures and relays. If you have the logic and operation sequences worked out that's a plus. If your supply house doesn't have the relays with the contact arrangements that tou need try Relay Specialties in Oakland, NJ. I'm sure they have a website.

BTW, don't forget to wire the t-stat in the hood in parallel with the hood exhaust switch. If someone forgets to turn on the exhaust, as soon as the hood heats up it will turn on automatically.
Now at a real machine. The site for Brooks pre-engineered systems components is here.

You could also try Heiser here.

Great! Thanks for the links and advice. Brooks looks like a good resource. I am kinda looking forward to building up this system. I am a little surprised there are not control packages available for integration...i guess there are a lot of different systems and a one-size-fits-all may not be very practical.

Thanks again for the replies,
Great! Thanks for the links and advice. Brooks looks like a good resource. I am kinda looking forward to building up this system. I am a little surprised there are not control packages available for integration...i guess there are a lot of different systems and a one-size-fits-all may not be very practical.

Thanks again for the replies,

If you cruise Captivaire's website you can see their CORE product which is what you are suggesting. They are one of the largest, if not the largest purveyor's of pre-packaged hood systems. They are also pretty much at Cadillac pricing for their products.
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