fireputtty on boxes

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New member
why is that you can only put fire putty only on hallways that have only 2 or more boxes on a stud, why not all boxes in hallways? And why don't they just make fire protected boxes for this purpose?


Senior Member
chinadoll said:
why is that you can only put fire putty only on hallways that have only 2 or more boxes on a stud, why not all boxes in hallways? And why don't they just make fire protected boxes for this purpose?
The answer to your questions are more involved than just simple. The "hallway" is probably a rated corridor. The building code only allows certain penetratioins in the membrane, so that the 1 or more hour protection is not compromised. If you can get a hold of a building code book & you want to bore yourself to sleep, read the chapter on rated walls Sorry, At this time I can't give you a reference. Good luck in your apprenticeship.
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