fishing -swiming tank

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New member
I want to see who can solve this. Upon installing underground wet niche lights in tank, installed in concrete pillars with proper bonding, they are too dirty to see the light. Told the owner this would happen. Any advice about trying to float the fixturs on surface ouy of the can
tongue-in-cheek answer:

Run a cable above the tank, then run a piece of duplex on the cable--get some fixture wire, use the old western union splice method to the duplex, run the wire down to the floating lamp solder it all together then coat in silicone--get a legal release and run, don't walk--RUN-- and hope no one gets electrocuted and/or you don't "cook" his fish!!

Do I get my "hack job" license now??
Well I would think that the light should have been installed within 2' of the surface of the water unless it is rated for in the bottom of the pool or lesser depth. If it is 18" then you should be able to reach it and pull it up to the surface.

I say 2' because normally that's where the pool guys put them.
I am trying to understand what you are saying here.
Does the owner want floating lights now or do you want to clean the existing ones??
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