Fix for bad main breaker

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I have a residential customer with a 200 amp Crousehinds panelboard, type G class CTL, main breaker 200 amp type MD-H. One leg of the main breaker is arced up as well as the bus it mounts to.
It was my intention to buy this panel and swap out the guts and main breaker, but have been unable to locate them sofar. Square D Homeline fit in these panels and there are two spaces on the bottom left.
Would it be code/safe for me to feed this panel from the bottom two spaces? I know this is done on subpanels. Does Square D make a Homeline breaker this size? I have never seen one that wasn't a main breaker.

Why not an upgrade?

Because of listing issues, I don't think you can change the interiors with another brand.
Just bite the bullet and change the panel. It will likely be larger then the one coming out so if it is recessed it will cover the damage made getting it out.
Cutler Hammer makes UL listed retrofit panel guts for almost any panel and I have had to use them on embedded in concrete panels that I had no choice on, can be pricy and a pain to get everything to line up including the new cover which is why I don't like to use them on studded walls, as Bob said if this is in a stud wall it is best to just install new panel, many times if you put the new panel with the main breaker at the bottom the old service wires will reach the new breaker, and be very careful to identify any 240 volt circuits and multi-wire circuits before you remove any wires note any odd color wires on the breakers as well as the neutral bar, this can save you allot of trouble later on.
Cutler Hammer makes UL listed retrofit panel guts for almost any panel and I have had to use them on embedded in concrete panels that I had no choice on, can be pricy and a pain to get everything to line up including the new cover which is why I don't like to use them on studded walls, as Bob said if this is in a stud wall it is best to just install new panel, many times if you put the new panel with the main breaker at the bottom the old service wires will reach the new breaker, and be very careful to identify any 240 volt circuits and multi-wire circuits before you remove any wires note any odd color wires on the breakers as well as the neutral bar, this can save you allot of trouble later on.

Ditto. Make you goal to be a sure fix. When you start gambling of a fix you run the risk of opening up pandora's box by digging a deaper and deaper hole for yourself. You may end up spending a lot of unexpected time in addition to any material cost and end up with basicalya hack job and an unexceptable install. Save time and seriously consider hurk27's suggestion.
I was going to suggest the CH retrofit kit as well. Haven't used one myself yet, but I'd look into it if I was doing the repair.
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