Fixed connection plug & socket

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New member
Is there a common plug and wall socket combination for fixed connection (not allowing to remove the plug/wire without using a screwdriver or another tool)?
It is needed for 120V/30A, 3-wire connection.

Alternatives I thought of:
1. Hardwired connection (no plug)
2. Plug which includes a screw
3. Plug + cover, where the cover is fixed by screw
Part numbers / part types recommendation would be appreciated.

Thank you...

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I am not sure what your need is here but I have installed a 6x6x6 plastic box and installed a receptacle in a junction box inside the enclosure. You can notched the plastic for the cord and the cover screws on.


Senior Member
What you are describing would seem to defeat the whole purpose of having a cord and plug connection in the first place, which is the easy interchange and/or relocation of equipment. If you are concerned about vibration causing the plug to fall out, then twist-lock would be the answer. If you are concerned about tampering or vandalism, some sort of locking cover or hard wiring would be in order.
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