Fixed multi-outlet assemblies in a dwelling unit

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Good Morning, I had a question regarding the calculations for wire mold outlets installed in a kitchen. Recently we were called out on a third party inspection for over 10 outlets on the 20 amp small appliance circuit. (Using 180VA per outlet) The outlets in question are a fixed multioutlet assembly.
I understand that if this was not a dwelling I would use 220.14(H) however it specifies not dwellings.
So my question is, is the third party inspector correct in using 180VA per receptacle on the assembly.
Good Morning, I had a question regarding the calculations for wire mold outlets installed in a kitchen. Recently we were called out on a third party inspection for over 10 outlets on the 20 amp small appliance circuit. (Using 180VA per outlet) The outlets in question are a fixed multioutlet assembly.
I understand that if this was not a dwelling I would use 220.14(H) however it specifies not dwellings.
So my question is, is the third party inspector correct in using 180VA per receptacle on the assembly.
Hey Xformer, I appreciate your reply. My only issue with 220.14(J) is that a small appliance circuit is not considered general use, and is calculated separately in service calculations as well.
It does specify that bathroom, laundry and garage outlets can be included in the 3Va per sq. Ft. But mentions nothing about small appliance ciruits.
220.14(L) is what I'm trying to avoid, it states 180VA per outlet.

Hello Roger, that is also what I believe. However I'm having a hard time finding a 100% solid code reference supporting this.
The load for general use receptacles in a dwelling unit is part of the 3 VA per square foot and there is no per receptacle load.
The load for the kitchen circuits is based on the number of small appliance branch circuits that are installed and again there is no per receptacle load.
As far as 220.14(L) is says that receptacles not covered in 220.14(A) through (K) are calculated at 180va, but the kitchen receptacles are covered in 220.14(I). That says they are not counted at 180 VA per yoke. 220.52(A) says that each small appliance branch circuit is counted at 1500 VA, and that applies if the small appliance branch circuit has one receptacle yoke, or 50 receptacle yokes.
Keep in mind that, in the opinions of many of us, there is a difference between calculation requirements and actual installation requirements, and the calculation rules don't apply to the installation.
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