Fixture Mounting

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Senior Member
los angeles ca
Ok heres our issue, owner wants lighting fixtures installed beteen these fence posts. We were going to just insatll pole lights easy enough right. Just got trickier cause we were told the new batting cage is actually going to use this fence as one of its sides, therefore we need to actually install lights on fence somehow. im assuming sometype of building mounted light is going to be used. Whether its a box mounted or just a corded light with a bolt pattern not sure yet. Getting electrical to it isnt the problem, mounting is where we are kicking ideas around. I was thinking horizontal unitstruts with vertical bracing pieces and spring nuts for bolt pattern or fixture box. Any of you savy guys thoughts would be hugely appreciated. I may be able to swing actually mounting fixture to poles if need be but then im trying to mount a square box to a rounded pole. Im open to any and all suggestions. Thanks a million


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For mounting between the two poles your uni strut idea is great. For mounting directly to a fence pole: A metal plate large enough to accept your fixture box. Then use two U-bolts to attach your plate to the fence post.
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