Fixture Whip or Branch Circuit

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Senior Member
I'm having a hard time figuring out sometimes what is a branch circuit v.s. a fixture whip ?? Is there any definitive easy links anyone can post or simply explain what makes the difference ?

Here are some examples below

-Change out dryer cord to a 4 wire new SO 8' cord with plug

- the conductor from fuses in light pole box up to the light fixture 25' up

- changing out or adding whips ranging from 6'-15' out of troffers and other ceiling lights

- changing out a premade factory stove wire to a new 1/2" MC 8ft whip hardwired back in cabinet

The guidelines lie mostly in 240.4, 240.5, 402 and 404.
Below is opinion and subject to b correct by others.. but as I see it...
Branch circuit conductors of a wire type listed in 310.3 must be protected at their ampacities or meet the requirements of 210.4
Cords or fixture conductors must meet the requirements of 240.5.
Fixture wires can not be used as branch circuit conductors (402.11) which, IMO, means they can be installed between the branch circuit and A fixture.'
As far as your dryer cord, 240.5(B)(1) allows a factory cord. Other than that you would need to comply with 400.5 ampacities.
As far as light poles, the conductors should be sized by the fuse or as allowed for fixture wires.
Your fixture whip wiring would be governed by 240.(5)(B) and 402.5 when using fixture wire.
I would think changing out your permanent factory stove wire to MC would be a violation of 110.3(b), altering the equipmemnt.
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