Flag pole

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new castle,de
Old lights were in the ground (120v) they want to mount new lights on the pole. I look at these light they look good but my concern is that they recommend they be 8' off ground and I have a little access 6"x8" on flag pole for the crank about 5' off ground. The cable runs up inside the pole so my wire will be running down the pole coming out near the bottom.there is no way to really protect these wires from the cable . I was thinking of running tray cable which would give me some protection if the wire would come in contact with the cable . Any thing wrong with installation thanks. Poles r 40' tall 23" round
Tray cable is much like SOT cordage so I wouldn't expect much in the way of protection from abrasion. How about Sealtite? Seems with a 24" base diameter you have plenty of room.

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