flat roof

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Beautiful IDAHO
anyone have any experience with flat roofs with no attic. Customer needs some new wire fished in the ceiling but I can't tell how the joists are layed out. Before I tell her to rip out sheet rock I thought I'd check with the vets. for any possible "tricks"
solaeros said:
anyone have any experience with flat roofs with no attic. Customer needs some new wire fished in the ceiling but I can't tell how the joists are layed out. Before I tell her to rip out sheet rock I thought I'd check with the vets. for any possible "tricks"

Stud sensor.
It might well be worth it to mame an inspection hole large enough for a flashlight and mirror. The odds are the ceiling and roof are not directly connected to single framing members.
time consuming!

time consuming!

Dependind on how much you have to do it will be time consuming! As 480 sparky suggested "studfinder"! Locate your ceiling joist, the direction they are running and study your approach(layout) before cutting! You may need several handholds at points of drilling. Save the sections of drywall to use back in repairs. I have done a lot of jobs similiar to this in 2 story homes on first floor. There ends up being as much if not more drywall repairs involved!!
LarryFine said:
It might well be worth it to mame an inspection hole large enough for a flashlight and mirror. The odds are the ceiling and roof are not directly connected to single framing members.

I find that in this area as well, the ceiling will be dropped so it is level while the 'flat' roof will have a pitch.
LOTS of "flat" roofs out here,

Cut and patch baby, cut and patch.

PS. You generally don't have to "rip out" the drywall. If you understand basic framing, you will know how to proceed.
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