Flex Couplings in Class 1 Div 2 Group D - Areas

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South Florida
Electrical Project manager - Elec. Distribution and Automation
The manufacturer promoves the Explosion Proof Flex Couplings in Class 1 Div 2, in a WWTP plant is mandatory the Explosion Proof Flex Couplings in Div 2? between JB with Explossion Proof seal and PH meter well?
The thing to remember is whether the meter enclosure is required to be explosionproof or not. In Division 2 that depends on the equipment it encloses. [Section 501.10(B)(4)] If required, a seal must be installed within 18” along the raceway path and only certain fittings are permitted between the enclosure and the seal. [Section 501.15(B)(1)(1)] A listed explosionproof flexible coupling is suitable. Otherwise, wiring only needs to comply with Section 501.10(B).