Flexible connection fittings support

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Senior Member
Where do I find the NEC support requirements for Flexible connection fittings ???????????????????????????????????????????????

Thank you
If we are discussing hazardous locations only - Section(s) 501.140(B)(3)&(4). Otherwise, the requirements for "ordinary" locations hold and depend on the applicable wiring method.
You have set up a chain of requirements beginning with Sections 501.10(A)(2) or (B)(2) with emphasis on the necessity rather than the convenience of a flexible connection. Then Section 300.11 plus the securing/supporting requirements of the rest of the associated wiring method such as RMC or IMC (usually Section 3xx.30) are applied along with Section(s) 501.140(B)(3)&(4). The general emphasis beyond securing/supporting the flexible coupling as part of the overall wiring method is avoiding stress on the connections/terminations.
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