Flexible Cord at Aeration Ponds

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Senior Member
Las Cruces N.M.
Previously I posted a question concerning disconnects at sewage aeration ponds. I have found some additional information and am stumped by the State?s decision. Briefly, there are mixers and aerators floating out in this couple acre lined earthen pond. They are held in place by wire rope anchored to the shore. The manufacturer has specified that flexible cord be used to connect the motors with permanent wiring on the shore. The Electrical Bureau has determined that flexible cord or cable can?t be used as a permanent wiring method out to these floating pontoons unless it is part of the UL listing of the assembly. They cite 400.8(1) as the reason. Unfortunately, the whole assembly is not UL listed. I have suggested that 400.7(A)(7) and (9) be considered in this case. The inspectors have rejected those arguments.
Their solution is to wire the motors as temporary wiring, using cord caps and receptacles at shore as the connections. This solution seems to open up a real can of worms as it would introduce Article 590, but I am not successful with the inspectors.
Does anyone have any information relating to listings, or other thoughts relating to 400.7 and 400.8?

Jim T
I don't buy using 400.8, since I think you could demonstrate that the equipment is not fixed (as in "bolted down, doesn't move in normal operation", does it?), not are you able to install fixed wiring. What does the AHJ have to say about the manufacturer's recommendation? Also, I don't think that using caps/receptacles would bring 590 into play, moreover you'd run into the time constraints in 590.3.

Could this be a classified location? How about 505.17?
505.17 Flexible Cords, Class I, Zones 1 and 2. A flexible cord shall be permitted for connection between portable lighting equipment or other portable utilization equipment and the fixed portion of their supply circuit.
Electric submersible pumps with means for removal without entering the wet-pit shall be considered portable utilization equipment.

I think you should be able to use 682 - NATURAL AND ARTIFICIALLY MADE BODIES OF WATER:
682.13 Wiring Methods and Installation. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit or liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit with approved fittings shall be permitted for feeders and where flexible connections are required for services. Extra-hard usage portable power cable listed for both wet locations and sunlight resistance shall be permitted for a feeder or a branch circuit where flexibility is required. Other wiring methods suitable for the location shall be permitted to be installed where flexibility is not required. Temporary wiring in accordance with 590.4 shall be permitted.
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