flexible cord connections to motors

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Senior Member
Electrical Contractor
I have four 480 motors for conveyors that sit in the middle of a building with a 20' ceiling (metal). The plan shows them fed via SO dropped from boxes mounted on the roof framing members 20' above. Is it legal, what are the requirements. Can they be direct wired to the frog house or is a twist lock required? I know Art 400 covers much of it but I don't have a code book with me to look . Any one care to help?
400.7 Uses Permitted.
(A) Uses.

Flexible cords and cables shall be used only for the following:

1. Pendants.
2. Wiring of luminaires.
3. Connection of portable luminaires, portable and mobile signs, or appliances.
4. Elevator cables.
5. Wiring of cranes and hoists.
6. Connection of utilization equipment to facilitate frequent interchange.
7. Prevention of the transmission of noise or vibration.
8. Appliances where the fastening means and mechanical connections are specifically designed to permit ready removal for maintenance and repair, and the appliance is intended or identified for flexible cord connection.
9. Connection of moving parts.
10. Where specifically permitted elsewhere in this Code.
11. Between an existing receptacle outlet and an inlet, where the inlet provides power to an additional single receptacle outlet. The wiring interconnecting the inlet to the single receptacle outlet shall be a Chapter 3 wiring method. The inlet, receptacle outlet, and Chapter 3 wiring method, including the flexible cord and fittings, shall be a listed assembly specific for this application.
Format didn't copy that well - though I fixed it as best as I could.

Bolded items are ones that very possibly apply to your application, if any one condition is true you can use flexible cord for the application.
Thanks, We opted for the "noise " exception. Got all them in with twist lock connectors except for the 36 amp motor. Had to special order it. Joys of living in a small town. But I was born in a small town, taught the fear of Jesus in that same small town, Heck, I guess I'll die in this same small town. Thanks again.
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