Flexible cordage to Romex

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Open Neutral

Senior Member
Inside the Beltway
Have a need to connect a rackmount UPS in room A to closet w/ rack in room B.

To this end there is an outlet in the B closet fed from A.

I can see two ways to accomplish this.

1) Put male receptacle in box in A feeding B.
Construct M-F cord from UPS to box; plug in both ends.

2) Put 18" cord in gland/clamp on box in A to B; put Leviton 2311 on other end and plug into UPS.

I'm sure I've seen 2) various places but the EC thinks AHJ will ixnay it.
What say you experts?
I would use idea #1, with NM or MC between boxes, so you'll have removable cords at both ends.

I have done idea #2 for in-wall TV power in homes, but I like #1 better for supplying "real" power.

Here are a couple of inlet plates I made a few years ago. Note the cover screws replace two rivets.

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