floor pull box underneath range

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malachi constant

Senior Member
I'm working on a remodel of a culinary classroom. We found a ~30"x30" box in the floor that maybe used to be a "floor electrical panel" (it's weird). As near I can tell it contains the original feeders that have been spliced to feed out to a replacement (wall mounted this time!) panel added elsewhere in the room. Looks like branch circuitry was replaced with new at that time, with most of it still routing through the floor box.

Of course this is the only location in the remodel that a range can go.

Per 314.29 pull boxes need to be accessible "without removing any part of the building or structure". Per Article 100 accessible (as applied to wiring methods) means need to get at it "without damaging the building structure or finish or not permanently closed in by the structure or finish of the building". Finish is not defined anywhere. My professional opinion as the signing engineer is if the range can be slid out to allow full access to the pull box - without having to disconnect gas or unscrew it from the wall etc - then it is legal. Is that a consensus opinion here? A similar real-world situation would be if a pull box was behind a fridge - has anyone ran into that before? It would be a pain in the rear but that's life in the maintenance world.

I'm not opposed to moving it - we can get an electrician involved to trace circuits and help us understand options. But folks are asking if it is legal to keep where it is and partially cover with the range, and I think the answer is yes.
I agree with Larry, just like a receptacle behind a refrigerator it's still considered accessible by definition.
As a favor for a future electrician, put a small sign on the new panel indicated the is a pull pix and splice for the feeder under the range
As a favor for a future electrician, put a small sign on the new panel indicated the is a pull pix and splice for the feeder under the range
Like writing the panel # and circuit # on a J-box, courtesy to the next one following.
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