Here's some information
Here's some information
NEC 2012:
250.146 Connecting Receptacle Grounding Terminal to Box.
(C) Floor Boxes. Floor boxes designed for and listed as providing satisfactory ground continuity between the box and the device shall be permitted.
314.27 Outlet Boxes.
(B) Floor Boxes. Boxes listed specifically for this application shall be used for receptacles located in the floor.
Exception: Where the authority having jurisdiction judges them free from likely exposure to physical damage, moisture, and dirt, boxes located in elevated floors of show windows and similar locations shall be permitted to be other than those listed for floor applications. Receptacles and covers shall be listed as an assembly for this type of location.
UL White Book 2012:
Floor boxes designed for floor installation as covered in ANSI/NFPA 70, ??National Electrical Code?? (NEC), are provided with covers and gaskets to exclude surface water and sweeping compounds that might be present in floor cleaning operations. Covers with gaskets may be shipped separately from the boxes. Both products are provided with installation instructions. Those boxes intended for installation in concrete floors are frequently provided with leveling screws, threaded hubs, or both and are provided with a marking on the carton to identify boxes of this type such as, ??Floor Box Cover?? or ??Floor Box, Concrete Tight?? as appropriate. Floor boxes may be provided with wiring devices.
Display Receptacles ? Display receptacles are provided with a cover plate for flush-mounted wiring devices or outlet-box cover and closure plug or plugs. They are intended for use in show window floors and similar locations where the device is not likely to be subjected to scrub water. They are not intended to be used as substitutes for floor boxes, which are covered under Metallic Outlet Boxes (QCIT) and Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes (QCMZ).