Scenario; 1- 2'x4' fluorescent fixture with 2 ballast inside, each ballast has its own disconnect (orange plug disconnects). The fixture is a row fixture with 6#10 (2 Hot ,2 Neutral ,2 Ground) .
Now, here is the question, is it code to take #18 AWG wire (instead of #12 AWG) and connect it to the line side of each ballast disconnect within the fixture to make it easier to connect the 2 # 10 AWG wires that feed fixture ?
I said its a violation because the line side of disconnect has to be a #12 AWG since it is protected by 20A breaker and the minimum wire size is #12 AWG. What say you?

Now, here is the question, is it code to take #18 AWG wire (instead of #12 AWG) and connect it to the line side of each ballast disconnect within the fixture to make it easier to connect the 2 # 10 AWG wires that feed fixture ?
I said its a violation because the line side of disconnect has to be a #12 AWG since it is protected by 20A breaker and the minimum wire size is #12 AWG. What say you?

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