Florida disaster area permit/license exemption

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Señor Member
Former Child
We have some vacation property in FL in an area that was recently hit pretty hard by tornadoes. I've been asked to take on some of the electrical rebuilding work. I initially turned it down because I'm not licensed in FL, but was told that because it was declared a disaster area, permits and licenses are not required. Doesn't sound right to me. I called the state and asked, but they told me to call the local AHJ. I guess they took the day off too so I'll have to try again Monday; I was just curious if any of you FL guys have heard of something like this?

here's a few of pics my sister went down and took to give you an idea what happened.



Sombodys jerkin' your chain. I know of no let up in the regulations anywhere in Florida. No ticky no shirty. Who ever owns the house can pull the permits as a homeowner. You can do the work. I see homowner permits all the time with subs on the job.
Cavie said:
Sombodys jerkin' your chain. I know of no let up in the regulations anywhere in Florida. No ticky no shirty. Who ever owns the house can pull the permits as a homeowner. You can do the work. I see homowner permits all the time with subs on the job.

I'm pretty sure you're right. This is no where near the scale of Katrina, and I'm sure even one inspector could handle the task of checking all the jobs that need to be done. This is a tiny community. The homeowner permit would be the only option I can see happening, but I'm not sure they'll let the homeowner pull permits for the subs. I've pulled permits there before but it was for our property and I did the work. Luckily we didn't get any major damage; just a few scattered tree limbs and some other light wind damage. I don't know of any personal injuries; I think everyone cleared out in time. I'm just happy none of our boats were damaged. :D I'll find out Monday for sure though about this exemption thing.
In Sumter County, not very far to the south, after tornadoes a few years back. After they declared it a disaster area, contracting without a license was upgraded to a felony. They were quite serious about it. We all know every AHJ has their own rules to follow, so check with them before doing anything.
Podagrower said:
In Sumter County, not very far to the south, after tornadoes a few years back. After they declared it a disaster area, contracting without a license was upgraded to a felony. They were quite serious about it. We all know every AHJ has their own rules to follow, so check with them before doing anything.

absolutely. i'm going to try calling them again monday.
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