Florida EC License Inactive?

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New User
Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Electrical Contractor
I have my Florida EC License and ran an Electrical Contracting business for 13 years. I recently closed my business and started searching for an Electrical Superintendent position. I have an offer, but they are requiring my EC License to be inactive before they can officially hire me. Does anyone know if this is a Florida law or maybe a company police? I would really like to keep my EC License active if possible. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Florida doesn't require it that I'm aware of. The new employer doesn't want you using your license for additional income while working for them. I'd probably keep looking.
They may also want to avoid a possible conflict of interest arising, such as when dealing with subcontractors you might also work with during your own contracting, etc.
I don’t have a Florida license but in some states if your license is in active for a certain amount of time then you lose it and you may be forced to prove your experience and take the test again.
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