Florida Licensing Requirements?

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Hi Guys,
My question has to do with the state of Florida licensing requirements. I am currently a class A licensed journeyman and class A master in the state of Minnesota. I attended Dunwoody Institute in Minneapolis. I am interested in moving to the state of Florida, and I am just wondering what I have to do to work as a journeyman in Florida. I have found sites that have told me about electrical contractors licensing, but I don't think that is what I am looking for, I just want to work for a contractor in the state of Florida as a licensed journeyman...Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Matt

[ November 03, 2003, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: mattka ]
Re: Florida Licensing Requirements?

Matt, just show up with your tools and start filling out applications. Most (I said most) areas in FL don't require Jmans licensing so it most likely won't play much of a part in you getting a job. You may be in for wage shock though.

Re: Florida Licensing Requirements?

I understand that you "pay for the weather" when moving south like that. Where a Journeyman makes 25-30 an hour in Minnesota, I'm assuming 15-20 an hour in Florida. Is there any consideration for experience/education in your opinions, when determining wages in Florida? Can a guy with good work ethic and hustle be able to make more towards that 20 an hour? I wasn't sure if a state journeymans license in Florida would help with wages also? Thanks, Matt
P.S. just discovered this forum tonight, and I think it's great.....can't stop reading about all the topics, I'm hooked!
Re: Florida Licensing Requirements?

Matt, I would say 20 is on foreman and supervisor level.

As far as Hooked goes, there is professional help available. :D :D :D

Re: Florida Licensing Requirements?

Mattka,if you've never experienced Florida heat,it's quite a shock to the system. Your shirt's wet by the time you walk from the motel room to the truck.

It's a good place to work if you want to lose weight :D

Re: Florida Licensing Requirements?

In TAMPA if your a crew leader and dam good you might see $17 most journeymen make about 14
At times i think of going north but we get reminders every year when it dips to 40
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