flourescent fixture grounding in 2-wire residence

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Senior Member
Burbank IL
Re: flourescent fixture grounding in 2-wire residence

250.130 I don't see anything in 250 that allows it. If it was legal everyone would be tying ungrounded receceptacle neutrals to metal boxes to ground them.


[ March 03, 2003, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: russ ]


Senior Member
Re: flourescent fixture grounding in 2-wire residence

There is only one place in the NEC that allows for the grounded conductor to be used as a ground and that is only an exception for existing instalitons for dryers and stoves.

But the nec does provide that you can connect a ground wire any where on the egc system so if you have a water pipe near the fixture then that would be your best hope.

Exception: Replacement luminaires (fixtures) shall be permitted to connect an equipment grounding conductor from the outlet in compliance with 250.130(C) . The luminaire (fixture) shall then be grounded in accordance wtih 410.18(A).


Re: flourescent fixture grounding in 2-wire residence

How can the code allow this ? All through the code they stress the importance of conductor continuity, effective ground fault path, and most importantly keeping all the conductors to be kept in the same raceway ala 300.3(B).
But they allow this bogus practice in 250.130(C) and restate it in ungrounded fixtures 410.8
Doesnt make any sense


tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
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Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
Re: flourescent fixture grounding in 2-wire residence

One reason its allowed is the prevalance of 2 wire non grounded electrical systems in the US. About 45% of dwelling units are wired using a wiring system that does not provide an equipment bonding conductor.

However in the case of a floresent light, they require the metal housing to be grounded for operation of the discharge tubes.

And it is never allowed to use the neutral to ground an metallic electrical part downstream of the service (OK three exceptions)
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