flow and weigh switch

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Im sure it probably already exist I just cant find it or its part of a larger system and alot more advanced. Is there a flow switch/weigh load sensor or similar device that will measure the product coming out or into a tank or tote then shut off at a predetermined gallon or weight? I have a customer that currently measures product using their weigh scale built into fork lift. They pour into a mixing tank and use a turn on and off by hand. They load the tote onto a fork lift then use the scale on lift to measure out their product being used. I was wondering if there was something a little more advanced where you can set the volume or gallons needed and the pump or valve would stop at predetermined setting. If anyone has any good ideas please share or at least point me in right direction if you happen to have experience with something similar.
All sorts of systems out there for that. They build the scales or load cells to fit under tanks, feed wagons, medicine, fertilizer applicators, etc. This is not something you will whip out over night and while I could probably eventually manage, it would be like reinventing the wheel. Sorry, they are common enough that I don't pay attention to the makers names and rarely work on them.

You need to look at one of the On Line automation suppliers. A wealth of information.
There are companies that make "Weight Modules" for most of the major PLC manufacturers that you would use to connect to a Load Cell transducer embedded in your platform that would (in your case) hold the tote. So from a logic standpoint, you have a sensor that detects when an empty tote is put on, it zeros out for the weight of the tote itself, that enables it to be filled by whatever machine is filling it (conveyor, air tube etc.). When the fill weight gets to the desired value, it stops whatever was filling it and the tote can be removed. Repeat ad nauseum.

Here is one that I have used for A-B PLCs.

There are others, just search for "weight module" followed by your favorite brand of PLC.

If you are after a complete "turn key" packaged solution, people that make industrial scale systems do that. Think Metler Toledo, Hardy (above) or Cole-Parmer.
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