You could look at a hot breaker all day long with a "point" IF thermometer and know the same thing as applying your hand to the front of the breaker! Nobody expects the average electrician to own an expensive Infrared Camera, but i find it crazy to ask an electrician to carry a $99.00 tool that he will seldom use. Motors and transformers are expected to be hot--and some operate hotter than others just due to their design under the same loads and applied voltage. Point thermometers, as well as expensive Infrared cameras can provide information to it's operator that is easily misinterpitated causing false alarms to the conditions of customer's equipment. They can also overlook serious problems.
I own three or four "point thermometers, bought them in 1989, and they are in my warehouse somewhere--in a Makita drill motor box??? I don't even carry them on my service trucks mainly because they can mislead too easily! Only one thing worse than missing or overlooking an electrical problem and that is causing a false alarm and providing my customers repairs that are not necessary.