flyers and ratio

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Senior Member
North New Jersey
Today I got two different flyers from Home Depot that I plan on using in the next two weeks. It got me thinking they really arent saving me a ton of money but they are making me choose them for my next project because I will save a few dollars.

What would some of you say an average ratio of running a coupon in a local paper would bring you it gross sales for a month? or something in that line.

Im just curious as to how its work out for some of you guys.


Señor Member
Former Child
if you're doing 'coupons', I would expect they will be for a certain service that has a certain price. The gross you should expect will most likely be a percentage based upon the number of readers of the publication you put them in. Just multiply that percentage by the cost of the service the coupon will be for and that will give you an estimate of gross sales. I know there's a couple of guys on this board that do mailers to their existing customers (we probably all should be doing that). I've done print advertising that yielded 0% results; billboard advertising has been the most effective paid advertising for me so far. I hope to get radio advertising in the budget soon. I know a couple of local guys that do it and its worked great for them so far. The most print advertsing I see is from the HVAC guys doing a "summer tune-up" for a set price. A simple advertisement may be more effective than a coupon.


Senior Member
Right here.
I have considered using a coupon as a door opener to get even more work. Probably something like a free or reduced rate electrical system inspection or free/reduced rate panel inspection. I haven't had the need or the motivation to do it yet, but it's one of the ideas in the back of my mind.


Senior Member
new york
99$ special to replace any 3 devices Extra for Decora anything other than resi switch and receptacle. Most homeowners have a broken/worn/wrong color/ outlet /switch or two and arent afraid to spend a hundred bucks it gets your foot in the door. They will think to call you for other work. 2 bucks in material and you have an hour to change 3 devices w a new plate. This is what I was thinking anyway


Senior Member
Right here.
quogueelectric said:
This is what I was thinking anyway
That's a profitable idea, but I favor something that will get my eyes on most everything in the home so I can make a laundry list of recommendations.


Senior Member
North New Jersey
99 for three devices sounds like a good deal but many times I change them as a throw in. It really dosent cost me very much and people usually like it when they get stuff extra. Some times Ill add an outlet if it makes it easier to run between two floors. 99 percent of the people say yes and it helps you do your work faster without a big compromise. And the customer stays happy
If you have a "wild" radio show in your area. Or actual living on ail DJs for that matter. Try offering them beer for a 10 minutes of air time on their show.

It might be a new market, but you could offer your services via coupon as an "Electrical Home Inspector", with a tag line along the lines of "We'll tell you why the other home inspectors are dumb"
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