focus on energy low wattage bulbs

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Has anyone out there been involed with installing the new low wattage floresent lights that focus on energy makes some payment to be installed. Have you seen a savings in your power bill to justitfy the cost of putting them in. And has anyone taken the new industrail electrical exam. How many years of experiance do you need for the industrial or the other tests up to the master electrical tests.

tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
two different questions should be in two different topics
Energy saving lamps have been proven to save energy - our POCO will fund retrofits based on KW saved. They pay for the retrofit out of the KW savings, no out of pocket to the owner. I have seen many retro fits with significant savings. A google should come up with reports.
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