"Foreign" conduit allowable in 110.26F(1)

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Can "foreign" electrical conduit pass through the Dedicated Equipment Space above gear? Example: Can a communications conduit pass through the dedicated space above a switchboard, or must it be routed "around" the switchboard envelope? Pickey, you bet ! (but the question has actually come up). Argument was made that since the dedicated space is "suppost" to be reserved for conduits in-and-out of the switchboard, then the communications conduit is "foreign" to the space and would not be allowed. However, the communications conduit would ceratinly not be "foreign" to the entire facility electrical installation.
The rule does not say "foreign to that particular panel," but rather "foreign to the electrical installation." I think that conduit would not comprise "equipment foreign to the electrical installation." Every wire, every conduit, every panel, and every outlet in the building comprises the "electrical installation." None of it is foreign to itself.
The rule does not say "foreign to that particular panel," but rather "foreign to the electrical installation."
I've seen guys mount panels with strut spacers to permit horizontan conduit runs above the panel, because the inspector's interpretation was that the rule applied to each panel.
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