Foreward phase

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Home theatre salesman has sold a control 4 system to the home owners of a house that I am wiring. Today I got the installation instructions for the six button key key pad and the dimmer switches that I will be installing. The switches say that they will work on magnetic transformers only if they operate on the foreward phase. I will google this tonight but I image it will have something to do with the sine wave. I received no help from the sales man or there tech support. I have roughly 225 low voltage cans and 5 or 6 seagull transformers that will be incorporated in this control 4 systems. I have worked with homeworks and radio ra and dont remember seeing this info in their spec sheet.
eds said:
Home theatre salesman has sold a control 4 system to the home owners of a house that I am wiring. Today I got the installation instructions for the six button key key pad and the dimmer switches that I will be installing. The switches say that they will work on magnetic transformers only if they operate on the foreward phase. I will google this tonight but I image it will have something to do with the sine wave. I received no help from the sales man or there tech support. I have roughly 225 low voltage cans and 5 or 6 seagull transformers that will be incorporated in this control 4 systems. I have worked with homeworks and radio ra and dont remember seeing this info in their spec sheet.

MLV's require forward phase control dimmers (same as incandescent). I guess to answer your question, just double check w/ the recessed lighting manufacturer that their MLV transformers work w/ forward phase control dimmers.
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