oops. be careful what you ask for.
oops. be careful what you ask for.
On smaller jobs make up a "To do list." Get a legal pad and or a note book or date book and keep track of time, tasks and people in the date book as a job log. Make up a to do list with small portions of the project broken down on the legal pad. These are your work assignments, make them assignable and individuals responsible. Make a take off of the materials from your to do list and make arrangements to get the parts. Its always cheaper if they are delivered or ask the "boss" what he expects. The less you shop the cheaper the job will be. Some of these tasks are done after hours, some on the job, some before the job. (PPPPPP - Piss Poor Planning Promotes Poor Performance)
The hardest part of a job is getting the materials there. When assigning those tasks see if you can create a continuity where one task is performed over and over by one person or crew. They will get faster with repetition. Always ask the help if anybody needs anything or sees a problem upcoming. Incorporate their eyes and ears and brains into the process and give them credit where credit is due. Not everyone gets along, keep the lines of communication open, clear and be available. Stay focused. Greet people by there names. First names if they work for you. Use Sir (Mr or Mrs) names if homeowners or even other Foreman. It creates a hierarchy which will bring respect to the job. No swearing, NO cell phones except at break, Everybody has a tool belt and a cloth nail apron on unless they are digging then the belt can stay nearby. Let the help work don't get into talking and playing favorites. If everyone likes you your not doing your job. Get to the job at least 60 to 30 minutes early. Coffee will help with production. Each job is different.
Good luck. Sometimes being Foreman isn't fun, be careful what you ask for. Is there a raise associated with this promotion? It needs to be substantial and not a title.
And oh yeah, Its all your fault. You have to know what is being done, what is going to be done, and what has been done; and by whom. If its not done right, its your fault so know the codes. Life safety, NEC, ASC and local customs. Knowledge is your trade now.