Formula for quantity of flourecent surfaced fixtures?

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Have a building that has 4500 sq. ft. Two rooms [29-4x40-2 and 28-4x40-2] have 12 ft. ceiling.The remainder of building has 10 ft. ceilings.Need to know what the spacing has to be from exterior walls and the formula for sq. footage.
Re: Formula for quantity of flourecent surfaced fixtures?

You need to get someone to help. First you need the level of lighting required in footcandles and type of fixture.
Re: Formula for quantity of flourecent surfaced fixtures?

It depends on the function of the room, the room finishes, and the type of fixture you want to use. Offices need more light than warehouses, and carpeted floors don't reflect as much light as light tile floors, for example.
What are the spaces used for, and what are the ceiling, wall, and floor finishes, if you know?
Jim T
Re: Formula for quantity of flourecent surfaced fixtures?

There are values for footcandles in Sq ft for various locations. Offices can be 50, storage can be 30, etc. GE and Hubble both have simple information in the back of their lighting catalogs that will walk you thru the calculations. It depends on the ceiling height, walls and floor types, and the most important is the lamp output in lumens. For example a T-8 has more output than a T-12, so less are needed.

I would ask the rep for what ever luminaires you are using to help you with the calculations. The calculation is simple if you have all the information.
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