Forum problems

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Senior Member
Ann Arbor, Michigan
110902-1012 EDT

At the moment I am using IE 8 (Internet Explorer). Also I use Google's spelling checker. I believe the same problem exists on IE 7.

During composition of a post line wrap-around works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bad word xxxx ......... end of my line.

But after I select the Google spell checker the bad word is off of the screen, and requires side scrolling. Could be an IE problem. Never was a problem previously. I can not define this statement with a particular IE, but probably 7.

Second problem. After I go several levels away from my starting point the IE back button won't take me back to the starting point. Just stays in a repetitive loop.

The forum ABC spell checker indicates it is an IE spell checker that requires down loading. I have not done that.



Senior Member
I never used to have problems with this forum before and to blame it on IE is BS.
There is a major problem with the forum software.

Until it gets fixed I will be spending most of my time at ET.


Moderator, OTD
Staff member
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Electrical Engineer
I'm using IE8 on this PC because of corporate standards and we are forbidden from using FF or Chrome etc. No problems with posting, but I'm not allowed to DL the IE spell checker, so I've been going "commando" (and it probably shows). So maybe it's a combo problem of the spell checker and IE8 that's messing you up.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I have had good success with chrome. Had lots of problems with the older forum version and firefox so I went chrome.


Senior Member
Durham, NC
Since you are:

During composition of a post line wrap-around works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bad word xxxx ......... end of my line.

In typing all your input it is trying to monitored spell check as typed you just need to hit "return" more. :)

Frankly its an error in someones subset commands of the program to the length of the string being watched...


re member
Clarkesville, Georgia
I don't know about all that but have noticed that "view first unread" button hasn't been working right this week, it will take me to posts I've already read.


Senior Member
Ann Arbor, Michigan
110902-2045 EDT


The only time it is necessary to enter a carriage return is for a paragraph. The wrap-around function automatically adjusts lines to fit in the viewing or printing space. This works fine while composing.

Google's spelling checker processes the whole composition and this is where the display goes from wrap-around mode to non-wrap-around.

Google's spelling checker is a commanded function, not one that is in operation from a resident program, and therefore there is a different display after it processes the data. In the past there was no problem and wrap-around worked in the spelling checker display.

I would not add unnecessary carriage returns to text because that generally produces very poor output on many displays.

This text has 10 carriage returns. Two for each paragraph. A very common method to identify paragraphs.

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