Found it.


Senior Member
Renton, WA
EE, power electronics specialty
Previous post wondered if raccoon had chewed thru wires. Both white and black wires open., e.g no continuity between white and EGC.

No power to a bath, no GFCI had been found (except the single ended one in the bath) and HO did not know of any other GFCI in the house. HO did have a KNOWN raccoon problem. HO had left for Christmas to East coast after first visit, returned today so went for another look.

One good suggestion from that post was to check outside, as sometimes cheap GCs would put a single GFCI at an outlet near the panel and feed all required GFCI rom that. So looked outside - yep, there was a GFCI right outside below the man panel -- but it was not tripped.

Traced upstairs bath circuit to downstairs and found another dead outlet, regular outlet. Line from there went in direction of main panel.
Lo and behold, there was a GFCI, hidden behind a lion cabinet in the garage, 3 feet from the panel. Reset that GFCI, all power restored. HO (widow lady) did not know it was there.

Sure glad it was not a raccoon.

Thanks to you folks who replied to first post recommending to do a more diligent search for a hidden GFCI.