It seems that I was the only one who stayed awake in science class, when they defined 'science.' Or, more correctly, what was the 'scientific method.'
I bring this up because one of the keystones of 'science' was repeatable results of tests. The much-ballyhooed NY study that found fault with some 2-pole breakers was not repeatable- yet some insisted on applying its' conclusions across the board to anything ever made by FPE.
Say whatever you want about FPE; just don't call it anything but opinion.
Alas, the hysteria and misinformation is not limited to the 'home inspector' crowd. Some of this is the unfortunate practice of the insurance industry to deny the public of any facts as to their position, leaving us to guess.
I've recently obtained a 'claims manual' of exerpts from the ISO (a trade association for insurance carriers) standards regarding 'homeowners' insurance.' This material is simply fascinating.
The only specific 'electrical' specification I've found is a statement regarding anything but the least favorable types of policies: no knob and tube is allowed for the 'better' policies.
Otherwise, there is but a specification that the various utilities (plumbing, electric, etc.) have been upgraded somewhat recently to 'current code.' There's no direct stricture against fuses, or FPE panels, or anything else. It doesn't take a wormtongue to deduce that any FPE or Zinsco panel isn't "recent."
So what is "recent?" Well, 1999 seems to be the watershed year. I think that was when homes started requiring 100-amp services. Again, my information is incomplete.
The real key to understanding the insurance situation is to recognize that there are nearly a dozen types of policies sold as 'homeowners' policies. Not every insurance company offers every type. Nor is your agent likely to tell you in simple terms something like "We sell HO-4, you need an HO-2, and Joe down the street sells those." Nor is he likely to tell you that the type of insurance you're offered WILL be influenced by things that have nothing to do with the house itself.
Existing FPE panels continue to "meet code." There's no pressing need to replace them. Of all the problems you're likely to find in an older home, the brand of panel is probably the least significant.