FPE Retrofit

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south Florida
Anybody ever use the FPE retrofit kits(new busbar,breakers and cover) that Cutler Hammer sells? If so,any feedback, cost, code issues, etc. I am trying to give an estimate on a 30 unit apt. building to change out the existing 125A FPE panels. Any info would be appreciated.


Senior Member
I have not used them but have a job coming up to replace a 30 circuit indoor panel. I called Cutler hammer directly gave them the FPE catalog number they gave me the part number for the retro kit and then called my supplier for the price.I will have to check my record to see what the quote was. I believe is double the cost of a normal panel but you save on labor.

the price for a 30 circuit MLO retro panel $289.00 this is for the panel guts and new cover.
if you are quoting a 30 unbit building I am sure you could get a much better price. Best bet is to call your supplier and have them give you a quote. forgot to say this is a 100amp panel.
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