FPL continiues to impress the public.

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Impressing the public

Impressing the public

I don't know about impressing the public but I am sure impressed. Do they react to anyone? :mad:
while it certainly seems inappropriate, I don't see where they actually did something wrong. They told their customers for a few bucks a month they would contribute it to green energy. I guess no one asked exactly how much money went towards the green energy. Although deceptive, it was a clever way to pocket a few million.

- I also want to make the point here that I don't agree with their actions, just looking at it from a business viewpoint.
Hey we are all being ripped off by this so called green energy any way. The wind isin't renewable, Hey make me some wind. I mean I got some wind for you, and it smells better than all these "green" programs.
I wonder what would happen if I collected money from a customer(down payment for roping a house) and then told them it all went to marketing and administration and there was none left for wire and boxes.:smile:
iaov said:
I wonder what would happen if I collected money from a customer(down payment for roping a house) and then told them it all went to marketing and administration and there was none left for wire and boxes.:smile:

It is not the same thing.

If you started a "program" to wire homes with "green" wire ( I don't think they have come out with it just yet) and asked for contributions but only spent 20% of the money buying "green" wire and the rest promoting it you would be fine. "Charities" do it all the time.
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