Free Wiring In a Chase

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Senior Member
Is it code compliant to free wire CAT 5 wire and other 24V wire in a chase? What code citations allow/disallow this? Thanks for your help in advance.
No, I am asking about routing wires through a vertical chase made for routing conduits and wires from floor to floor. In this case the client wants to route low voltage wiring without putting it in conduit within the chase.
Chase = Hollow vertical space that runs floor to floor in a multiple floor building in order to run conduits and wire vertically. Hopefully that clears things up a little?
Is it code compliant to free wire CAT 5 wire and other 24V wire in a chase? What code citations allow/disallow this? Thanks for your help in advance.

820.154 perhaps this is what you are looking for

(B) Riser. Coaxial cables installed in risers shall comply with any of the requirements of 820.154(B)(1) through (B)(3). (1) Coaxial Cables in Vertical Runs. Coaxial cables installed in vertical runs and penetrating more than one floor, or cables installed in vertical runs in a shaft, shall be Type CATVR. Floor penetrations requiring Type CATVR shall contain only cables suitable for riser or plenum use. Listed riser CATV raceways and listed plenum CATV raceways shall be permitted to be installed in vertical riser runs in a shaft from floor to floor. Only Type CATVR and CATVP cables shall be permitted to be installed in these raceways. See related ROP ROC UL

(2) Metal Raceways or Fireproof Shafts. Types CATV and CATVX cables shall be permitted to be encased in a metal raceway or located in a fireproof shaft having fire-
stops at each floor. See related UL

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