Friday's Pics

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Senior Member
Michigan. It's a beautiful peninsula, I've looked
Sometimes stuff just screams 'this is so wrong'.....

Did someone paint the conduit coming out of this meter box?


No....that's not paint.


Nahh...that wouldn't be.....yep, it sure is!!!


This is what was there the last time I looked at it.


And how did they get the sewer pipe on without a disconnect or a meter pull?

Here is the story.

This is at a small store in my township. Years ago the pipe you see was damaged by a snow plow. It stayed broke for a couple years. Then one day I noticed it was fixed. I wondered why they didn't put metal conduit in back then. A couple years ago it got hit again and stayed broke. The sewer pipe was put on a few days ago.

The store, like just about everything around here isn't doing well. It's also located practically across the street from the electrical inspector's office. For years I have been struggling with a moral dilemma. Do I make an issue of this or not? On one hand, it's really none of my business. I figured the inspector would do something about it sooner or later, but as the years passed, nothing happened. On the other hand, if someone were to get injured, like a bone head snow plow driver, or the building burnt down after the unfused 500's got hit with a plow blade enough times, I would feel differently. I am a licensed electrician and I know what an arc blast can do. To me I do have some responsibility to report a safety issue if it's bad enough.

Well, closer inspection revealed that the sewer pipe was cut in the back so it was just slipped over the existing conduit, which is still there, in pieces, under the sewer pipe.

Finally the other day I was chatting with the inspector and asked him if he had seen the service at the store. I told him that he just may want to drive by and take a peek. Now it's up to him. Oh, and the fire station is nearly across the street as well. I guess that's a good thing.

Don't the meter readers have some responsibility to report issues like this? They used to be linesman apprentices, now anyone can do it and sometimes it's subcontracted.

Anyway, I though y'all might just enjoy the pics.
Don't the meter readers have some responsibility to report issues like this? They used to be linesman apprentices, now anyone can do it and sometimes it's subcontracted.

I don't know what responsibilty the meter reader would have but our utility uses college kids a lot of the time to read the meters.


p.s. what was the electrical inspectors reaction to what you told him?
I don't know what responsibilty the meter reader would have but our utility uses college kids a lot of the time to read the meters.


p.s. what was the electrical inspectors reaction to what you told him?

I didn't tell him what I saw, just where to look. I told him what I was talking about would be obvious from the road.

I haven't talked to him since.
Bent Mast -- for years

Bent Mast -- for years

Got a call------- Fix the bent 1-1/2 rigid on my rent house before the electric company shuts it off !!!

Sure, --no problem, but, it will take a week or so before I can fit it in my schedule.....
( The mast was probably bent in a BIG storm THREE YEARS AGO)

OH---NOOO can you call the power company to see if it is OK to wait that long ???

Sure, --no problem

-----I called my pal , the superintendant at the power company----- he replies " It did not look too bad, but the tennant complained that the service drop across he backyard was too low!!"

A'int life GREAT------------- EASY MONEY
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