Fridge is on a specific branch circuit, does it need to be included in the NEC 220.84 (C) calculation

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Senior Member
NEC 220.84 requires all appliances located on a specific branch circuit to be included in the calculated loads for a multi-family dwelling, NEC 220.84 (C). Each small appliance branch circuit is counted as 1500 VA. If the fridge is on a specific branch circuit, does it need to be included in the NEC 220.84 (C) calculation or can it be considered part of the small appliance circuit? It would be allowed to be on one of the two required small appliance branch circuits and would be part of the 1500 VA per small appliance branch circuit. It is the difference between a 1000-amp service and a 1200-amp service.


Senior Member
New Jersey
Professional Engineer, Fire & Life Safety
NEC 220.84 requires all appliances located on a specific branch circuit to be included in the calculated loads for a multi-family dwelling, NEC 220.84 (C). Each small appliance branch circuit is counted as 1500 VA. If the fridge is on a specific branch circuit, does it need to be included in the NEC 220.84 (C) calculation or can it be considered part of the small appliance circuit? It would be allowed to be on one of the two required small appliance branch circuits and would be part of the 1500 VA per small appliance branch circuit. It is the difference between a 1000-amp service and a 1200-amp service.
Really?!? What do you have, a 1,000 cubic foot fridge??


Senior Member
new york
Electrical Engineer / Electrician
I would do a load calc per apartment, then in your total load do a sum of your general loads, diversify, calc your ranges, dishwashers, water heaters... etc by total numbers and diversify. Annex D has good examples.


Senior Member
West Chester, PA
210.52(B)(1) Receptacle Outlets Served. In the kitchen, pantry, breakfast
room, dining room, or similar area of a dwelling unit, the two
or more 20-ampere small-appliance branch circuits required by
210.11(C)(1) shall serve all wall and floor receptacle outlets cov-
ered by 210.52(A), all countertop outlets covered by 210.52(C),
and receptacle outlets for refrigeration equipment.


Senior Member
Kent, WA
Retired Engineer
220.52(A) exception says:
Exception: The individual branch circuit permitted by 210.52(B)(1), Exception No. 2, shall be permitted to be excluded from the calculation required by 220.52.

This isn't explicitly said in the 220.84 calculation requirements, but it seems like good precedence since you could exclude it in a single family dwelling as it is covered in the kitchen small appliance circuit factors.


Senior Member
I agree it isn't explicitly said in the 220.84 calculation requirements, but all appliances...located to be on a specific circuit.
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