fuel tank location

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Senior Member
We have a desiel day tank for the gen located at 4' from the main switchgear, the circuit breakers are rated at 44 cal cm/2. Is this a cause of concern should there be a arcflash ? This installation has been in service for over 30 yrs or more without a problem. Can anyone answer this question . thanks.


Electron manager
NE Nebraska
We have a desiel day tank for the gen located at 4' from the main switchgear, the circuit breakers are rated at 44 cal cm/2. Is this a cause of concern should there be a arcflash ? This installation has been in service for over 30 yrs or more without a problem. Can anyone answer this question . thanks.

Not an expert at these calculations but I'm guessing your 44 cal cm/2 is either right at or a very close distance from equipment and with the cover removed. It should drop as you gain distance from the equipment.

Chances are the tank wall is heavy enough to take the arc flash without any incident involving ignition of the fuel inside, or effecting the integrity of the tank wall.

I'd also think most bulk storage tanks would be able to take such abuse if right up close to the gear but then you have other clearance issues anyway.
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